中规中矩但让人激动女性因为性别本身受到太多的歧视了“你先被我骑一下她的骑马’姿势’不错”等等言论我们需要反抗I just wanted to say that everyone else can get stuffed, cause they think women aren't strong enough, but we just beat the world.
电影语言是精致和饱满的但内核是空洞和混乱的it’s just a fucked-up white dude creepily stalking a black woman, killing people, and blaming everything on vague, void, and incoherent “social” problems so that it is intriguing but won’t actually offend the target audience. 那些经过精心计算的愤怒和挑衅都成为了商业价值的一部分Yet it says absolutely nothing.